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  3. Final Rule Announcing the Mandatory AES Filing of Items on the CCL and USML that Currently Require the Filing of a Shipper's Export Declaration

Final Rule Announcing the Mandatory AES Filing of Items on the CCL and USML that Currently Require the Filing of a Shipper's Export Declaration

The Final Rule announcing the mandatory AES filing of items on the CCL and USML that currently require the filing of a Shipper's Export Declaration; announcing the elimination of Option 3 as a filing option in AES; and the requirement to report the complete name and address of the USPPI with every shipment, was published in the Federal Register July 17, 2003. These new requirements will be implemented in AES on October 18, 2003. The AES participant has 90 days to comply with this new rule.

The new AESTIR dated October 2003 incorporates the new filing requirements, plus updates the entire document to reflect current information. The earlier version of the Mandatory USML and CCL reporting formats dated "Early 2003" are completely removed. In addition to the new ODT record, the new reporting formats reflect the elimination of Option 3 reporting. Also, the USPPI's complete name and address is required on each shipment. There were three new Export Information Codes added to identify impelled cargo and complete AES records are now required for shipments identified with the Export Information Codes of "MS" or "GS".

The AES participant should access the October 2003 reporting formats to incorporate the changes in their software necessary to accommodate the new filing rules. AES will cut over to the new record formats and editing rules effective October 18, 2003. Until that time, AES continues to operate under the current record formats contained in the October 2000 version of the AESTIR documentation. Any new participants should discuss with their client representatives how best to proceed with their software development.

Last Modified: Mar 07, 2024

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