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CBP Reporting Offsite Arrival – Mobile (ROAM)


On September 15, 2021, CBP ROAM™ introduced features that allow pleasure boaters to apply for and update cruising licenses.

As part of U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s (CBP) comprehensive effort to improve the security of our nation's borders while enhancing legitimate travel, CBP has launched CBP ROAM™ which hosts the mobile services for reporting offsite arrival.

Overview of the CBP ROAM™ mobile application

CBP ROAM™ is a free mobile application that provides an option for pleasure boaters to report their U.S. entry to CBP via their personal smart device or a tablet located at local businesses to satisfy reporting requirements. In limited areas, travelers arriving in remote locations may also be eligible to use the CBP ROAM™ app. On September 15, 2021, CBP ROAM™ expanded its capabilities by adding the Cruising License features that allow users to apply for cruising licenses and report arrivals at domestic ports of call.

CBP ROAM™ qualifies as an Alternative Inspection System that satisfies the boat operator's legal requirement to report for face-to-face inspection in accordance with 8 CFR 235.1 with some exceptions:

  • Travelers who require an I-94;
  • Travelers who must pay duties on imported goods; and
  • Other circumstances as applicable.

Travelers input their biographic, conveyance, and trip details and submit their trip for CBP Officer (CBPO) review. Once done, travelers receive push notifications and emails with their admissibility decision and next steps if applicable.

Getting Started

Travelers should download the CBP ROAM™ app on their web-enabled smart device. Please note that a free account is required to use the CBP ROAM™ app. After signing in, users can create and save traveler and conveyance profiles. These profiles can be reused for repeat entry into the United States.

To use CBP ROAM™ on your personal smart device, download the app from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store. In certain locations, the CBP ROAM app can also be accessed on tablets at partner locations.

For any questions or concerns about the CBP ROAM app, please email us at

Pleasure Boat Reporting Requirements

Pursuant to 19 CFR 4.2, operators of small pleasure vessels, arriving in the United States from a foreign port or place to include any vessel which has visited a hovering vessel or received merchandise outside the territorial sea, are required to report their arrival to CBP immediately (see 19 U.S.C. 1433).

The master of the vessel reports their arrival at the nearest Customs facility or such other place as the Secretary may prescribe by regulations. These reports are tracked in the Pleasure Boat Reporting System. Pursuant to 8 CFR 235.1, an application to lawfully enter the United States must be made in person to a CBP officer at a U.S. Port of Entry (POE) when the port is open for inspection.

Read more about CBP reporting requirements.


Last Modified: Jul 24, 2023