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APIS: Advance Passenger Information System

APIS enhances border security by providing officers with pre-arrival and departure manifest data on all passengers and crew members.

  • APIS Fact Sheet
  • eAPIS Online Transmission System: The Electronic Advance Passenger Information System (eAPIS) web portal enables users to create, manage, and submit APIS manifests.
  • APIS Pre-Departure Certified Vendor List: CBP has developed a list of carriers or vendors that have completed testing to process interactive APIS Pre-Departure data and that have agreed to have their company included on the Certified Vendor List.
  • UN/EDIFACT Implementation Overview: The guide includes the latest UN/EDIFACT guidelines that must be followed in order to comply with the TSA requirement for MCL and FCM additional crewmember and non-crewmember data elements.
  • UN/EDIFACT Implementation Guide: The guide includes UN/EDIFACT guidelines to comply with the APIS Pre-Departure Final Rule and the TSA Secure Flight Notice of Proposed Rule Making.
  • Reporting Requirements for Private Aircraft
  • APIS Pre-Departure Final Rule: The APIS Pre-Departure Final Rule amends the time within which APIS data must be transmitted to CBP for commercial air passengers arriving into and departing from the United States and specifies three options for transmitting the data. It also amends the time within which APIS data must be transmitted to CBP for commercial vessel carriers departing from the United States.
  • Register for APIS Pre-Departure Testing: To assist carriers and system providers establish proper network systems and system development for the APIS Pre-Departure requirements, the APIS Pre-Departure registration form must be completed.
  • TSA Principle Security Inspectors (PSI): Provides the TSA PSI contact information for commercial air carriers by location. Contact the applicable TSA PSI, or the TSA CVP Office, for all TSA MCL and FCM APIS Policy and Procedural questions, as well as to obtain any copies of applicable TSA APIS Security Directives (SD) and/or TSA APIS Emergency Amendments (EA).
Last Modified: Mar 05, 2024