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An official website of the United States government

SmartGate for U.S. Citizens

The Australian Customs and Border Protection Service has extended the use of SmartGate to U.S. citizens. SmartGate is a simple way for eligible travelers arriving into Australia's international airports to self-process through passport control. SmartGate gives travelers a choice about how they are processed at passport control in Australia. Travelers can choose to be cleared by an Australian Customs and Border Protection officer or use SmartGate to self-process. Using SmartGate to self-process may be faster than waiting for a Customs and Border Protection officer, particularly during busy travel periods. SmartGate is a simple two-step process involving a kiosk and a gate.

There is no registration process for SmartGate. In order to use SmartGate, U.S. citizens must be:

  • Traveling on a valid U.S. electronic passport, and  
  • At least 16 years old

SmartGate does not change the visa requirements or the visa process for travel to Australia. For more information about obtaining a visa to enter Australia, visit the Embassy of Australia website.

Visit the Smartgate website.

Last Modified: May 23, 2019