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  3. Trusted Traveler Programs
  4. Trusted Traveler Program Denials

Trusted Traveler Program Denials

To qualify for one of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Trusted Traveler Programs, you must voluntarily undergo a thorough background check against criminal, law enforcement, customs, immigration, agriculture, and terrorist indices to include biometric fingerprint checks, and a personal interview with a CBP officer.

In the event you are denied or revoked from the Trusted Traveler Programs, you will be provided information in writing detailing the reason for this action. If you believe the decision was based upon inaccurate or incomplete information, you may request reconsideration through the Trusted Traveler Programs website .

Reconsideration Requests and attachments to the Ombudsman should be in English and must include the following details:

  • Date of denial and denial reason(s) from this letter;
  • Summary of information to further clarify a record or explain an incident or arrest;
  • Court disposition documentation in PDF format for all arrests or convictions, even if expunged; and/or
  • Other supporting documentation you feel may influence the Ombudsman’s decision. Supported formats: PDF, DOCX, DOC, PNG, JPEG, and GIF.
Last Modified: Mar 06, 2024