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Duluth Station

4431 Endeavor Drive
Duluth, MN 55811
Phone: (218) 720-5465
Fax: (218) 720-5402

The station was first established as a Sector Headquarters in 1924, only to have that designation shifted to International Falls in 1930. The Duluth Station was closed entirely at at time. It was again reopened on June 6, 1976 and assigned to the Grand Forks, ND Sector Headquarters where it remains today.

Duluth Station serves as a second tier of enforcement to the Grand Marais Station, but also has a variety of enforcement challenges, which cover both a vast amount of territory and entirely different sets of circumstances.

The geographic area assigned to the Duluth Station covers approximately 39,207 square miles.

Last Modified: Oct 13, 2016

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