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Sonoita Station

PO Box 37 (mailing)
3225 Highway 82
Sonoita, AZ 85637
Phone: (520) 455-5051
Fax: (520) 455-5807

The station was established and built in 1989 to fill an enforcement gap between the Nogales and Naco Stations' areas of responsibility. The station was originally staffed with seven agents and a Patrol Agent in Charge. The Sonoita Station utilizes a multi-tiered, deterrence-based operational strategy in which agents are deployed in highly visible and strategic locations. These agents are supported and backed by a network of agents, acting as a tier, in order to provide in-depth coverage of the international border we safeguard.

Area of Responsibility
The Sonoita Station is located near the junction of State Routes 82 and 83 in Santa Cruz County. The station lies approximately 25 miles north of the international border and about 49 miles southeast of the Tucson Sector Headquarters. The Station is responsible for patrolling 24.3 linear miles of international border and an overall area that encompasses nearly 1,000 square miles.

Last Modified: Oct 13, 2016