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IPR Seizures

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Trade in counterfeit and pirated goods threatens America’s innovation economy, the competitiveness of our businesses, the livelihoods of U.S. workers, and, in some cases, national security and the health and safety of consumers. To combat the entry of counterfeit and pirated goods into America, CBP targets and seizes imports of counterfeit and pirated goods, and enforces exclusion orders on patent-infringing and other IPR violative goods.

Data is extracted from live CBP systems and data sources. Statistical information is subject to change due to corrections, systems changes, change in data definition, additional information, or shipments pending final review.

Dashboard Dataset

FY19 - FY23 IPR Seizures

FY19 - FY22 IPR Seizures

FY19 - FY21 IPR Seizures

Dashboard Data Dictionary

IPR Seizures Data Dictionary

Dashboard Using this Data

IPR Seizures Dashboard

Attachment Ext. Size Date
IPR Seizures Dataset FY19 - FY23 CSV 42.65 MB 03/18/2024
IPR Seizures Dataset FY19 - FY22 CSV 32.46 MB 10/18/2023
IPR Seizures Dataset FY19 - FY21 CSV 9.44 MB 07/08/2022
IPR Seizures Data Dictionary PDF 248.88 KB 12/15/2022
Last Modified: Mar 22, 2024

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