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  3. Three Methods an In-Bond Message can be Filed Via the ACE Portal or EDI

Three Methods an In-Bond Message can be Filed Via the ACE Portal or EDI

In-bond update to ACE

ACE enables the submission of electronic in-bond requests which are filed via the Automated Broker Interface (ABI), known as QP, to update a shipment record that is reported in a Truck ACE e-Manifest with a shipment release type of PAPS (Pre Arrival Processing System). PAPS shipments are referred to as "Regular Bills" in the ANSI X12 and UNEDIFACT Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Implementation Guidelines. Throughout the rest of this document we will refer to these shipments as PAPS shipments.

The ACE e-Manifest procedures up until this time have required the carrier or his agent to link a QP in-bond shipment to an e-Manifest. When QP in-bond requests are created (usually by customs brokers, referred to as QP filers in this document) ACE creates an un-associated shipment in the carrier's ACE account. This shipment record can be linked to the trip either by using the ACE Secure Data Portal feature known as "Look up Shipment" or by using the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) message know as "Consist".

ACE e-Manifest maintains both previously supported methods of filing in-bond shipments (original design see method # 2 and # 3) as well as a new method which is described in item # 1.

Details for method 1:

Original design

  1. The carrier creates a shipment record that is identified with a PAPS shipment release type. When an electronic in-bond request is filed using the ABI message QP and the identical Shipment Control Number is reported in the QP message the PAPS shipment will be automatically linked to the QP in-bond record.
    • When a carrier or his agent submits an e-Manifest with a shipment identified with a PAPS shipment release type, ACE will search for a corresponding entry or electronic in-bond (QP) request that has reported the same Shipment Control Number (SCN). If QP data is found the shipment will be automatically linked to the QP in-bond record.
    • A new notification will be sent to the carrier "QP on File" either via an EDI ANSI X12 350 or UNEDIFACT CUSRES message or via the ACE Secure Data Portal. Portal users will find this message in the "Transactions" notifications portlet which is currently only accessible by the Trade Account Owner (TAO).
    • The carrier can update the shipment details via ACE. These updates will not change the QP in-bond record.
    • The QP can be filed before or after the e-Manifest is filed.
    • The in-bond will not be automatically linked to the shipment until the manifest is in a "completed" status.
    • When the QP in-bond quantity does not equal the manifest shipment quantity a notification will be sent to the carrier only, stating "Quantity Overage" or "Quantity Shortage"
    • If an entry is filed against a shipment and then a QP is filed against the same shipment the in-bond record will be linked to the shipment and the entry will not be associated with the shipment.
    • If a carrier requests an in-bond move from their e-Manifest declaration either via EDI or the Portal (referred to as a "pre-filed in-bond" shipment release type in the Portal) and a QP filer files a QP in-bond request using the same SCN the carrier will be sent a status notification "Dup QP, Carr IB used" which means that the carrier's in-bond request is being used and not the QP filers request. The QP filer will not receive a response to their duplicate QP in-bond request.
    • Deletion of the shipment record will not delete the QP in-bond message. No message will be sent to the QP filer that the shipment has been deleted. The manifest filer should notify the QP filer that they have deleted the shipment and that the QP is no longer associated to any trip.
    • Deletion of the QP will remove the in-bond and will not remove the shipment from the e-Manifest. The carrier should take appropriate action such as confirming that an entry will be filed. No ACE notification will be sent to the carrier that the QP has been deleted.
    • Secondary Notify party (SNP) identification in a QP in-bond request will not activate SNP notifications in ACE.
    • Details regarding software Implementation Guideline changes can be found at Record of Change # AP contains details regarding the two new disposition codes for the ANSI X12 350 message set and the UN EDIFACT CUSRES message set. Record of Change # AT contains details regarding the reporting of the arrival or export of in-bond shipments by container/equipment numbers.
    • The carrier requests the in-bond move via their ACE e-Manifest.

      Portal: If a carrier declares the shipment release type "Pre-filed in-bond" in the e-Manifest shipment record the carrier will be required to add the additional in-bond data elements which are located in the shipment and the commodity screens.

      • The ACE "Pre-filed in-bond" shipment will create the in-bond request.
      • EDI: Additional data can be supplied in the shipment records of either the ANSI X12-309 message or the UNEDIFACT CUSCAR message. Correctly supplied data will request the in-bond move directly from the carriers' e-Manifest.
      • Filing of a QP in-bond is not necessary and should not be done in this method.
    • The carrier links the shipment record that was created in ACE by the filing of a QP in-bond message to a manifest by using "Look up Shipment" in the Portal or an EDI "Consist" message (ANSI X12 358 or UNEDIFACT CUSCAR).

      QP in-bond declarations automatically create preliminary shipments in ACE from the QP data.

      • ACE Secure Data Portal filers must harmonize the equipment reported in the shipment record with the equipment reported in the trip.
      • A QP delete by the QP filer will delete the carrier's shipment record.
Last Modified: Mar 05, 2024

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