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Administrative Protective Order (APO)

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U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has implemented a process that will allow certain authorized individuals to access business confidential information on the administrative record of an Enforce and Protect Act (EAPA) investigation under an Administrative Protective Order (APO).

Pursuant to its statutory and regulatory authority, CBP collects, generates, and reviews public and business confidential information during investigations, administrative reviews, and remand proceedings that it conducts in response to allegations of evasion of antidumping and countervailing duties. Previously, CBP only shared public summaries of business confidential information. However, CBP’s new process will allow authorized individuals to access the information subject to an APO in EAPA proceedings.


Administrative Protective Order (APO) Handbook

The APO handbook summarizes the CBP procedures for issuance of an administrative protective order (APO) in an EAPA proceeding and requirements to be employed to protect business confidential information subject to an APO.


View APO Handbook

A laptop with the APO Handbook on its screen.


Administrative Protective Order (APO) FAQs

Last Modified: Jun 26, 2024

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