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Revenue Modernization - Working With The Trade

Electronic Payment Options on eCBP Portal

Diagram showing the old system with in-person payments in check or cash, with manual processing and paper receipts, migrating towards the new Rev Mod system with an online portal integrated with backend systems, automated transaction management and data analytics


As part of its Revenue Modernization (Rev Mod) acquisition program, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is enhancing stakeholder payment processes and introducing a variety of electronic payment options via the customer facing electronic Customs and Border Protection (eCBP) portal. When fully implemented, eCBP will allow for easy collection of many types of non-cargo related duties, taxes, and fees.

The incremental development of the eCBP Portal reduces labor intensive and inefficient manual revenue collection processes. Members of the public will skip waiting in line and they can pay non-cargo related customs duties, taxes, and fees electronically. They can also set up historical accounts which enables prior payments to be viewed, receive electronic receipts, and make payments using such methods as Amazon Pay and PayPal.

After the Internal Revenue Service, CBP is the second largest collector of U.S. government revenue. With significant field officer shortages, eCBP cuts the amount of time CBP Officers and technicians spend on processing collections. This webpage serves as a central location from which stakeholders can seek information on electronic payment capabilities.

eCBP Customers

Trade and Travel partners: have the option of making online payments for non-cargo related duties, taxes, and fees, (ahead of arrival at points of entry (POE)) thereby reducing the time spent to process duties, taxes, and fees.

Customs brokers: Customs brokers are empowered to assist the trade industry in meeting requirements governing imports and exports. eCBP currently provides the ability for Brokers and prospective Brokers to apply and to pay online for Broker Exams and Triennial Fee, and in the future will include Licenses, Permits and Permit User fees.

For access to detailed broker resources, visit the official Customs Brokers webpage. Click on the eCBP button on the right side of this page to directly access the exam registration and Triennial status reporting portal (

Broker Management Branch/Officers (BMB/BMO): eCBP replaces Broker Management Officer (BMO) processing of more than 14,000 paper application forms and payment collections with an automated application form and payment system. Manual data entry and spreadsheet-based tracking of applications, reports and payments are eliminated. With BMOs having easy access to system reports, they will be less frequently tasked for data query requests because application forms and receipts will be available online for download by applicants. Consequently, BMOs can refocus time on their law enforcement and verification activities.

Key Features

Completed Milestones

  • March 2018: Began Technology Demonstrator
  • May 2018: Completed system integration of Broker Exam and Triennial Fee payments
  • June 2018: Initiated development of eCBP payment and data portal
  • August 2019: Deployed eCBP portal for Broker exam registration and online payments
  • October 2019: Deployed Internal officer facing screens to manage applications process (withdrawals, exam score, and results delivery)
  • September 2020: Deployed Triennial status report and payment capability on the eCBP portal

Future Milestones

  • To Be Determined (TBD): Broker fees phase II (license and permit registration/fee)
  • TBD: Annual permit user fee payment and Broker reporting
Last Modified: Jun 10, 2024