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Priority Trade Issue: Trade Agreements

The United States negotiates and implements free trade agreements (FTAs) and preferential trade legislations (PTLs), also known as preference programs, to promote prosperity for the U.S. economy. FTAs and PTLs open up new markets for U.S. exports, protect American producers and workers, and encourage free and equitable trade among our trading partners. CBP’s Office of Trade oversees the implementation of these international instruments subsequent to their negotiation by the U.S. Trade Representative and passage by the U.S. Congress. Through the Office of Trade, CBP manages a portfolio of 14 comprehensive free trade agreements that the United States has in effect with 20 countries. In 2020, the United States implemented a phase-one trade agreement with Japan and in 2023, the United States and Japan concluded an agreement focusing on free trade in critical minerals. Additionally, CBP manages the implementation, compliance, and enforcement of over nine preferential trade legislation programs including the Generalized Systems of Preferences and the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act.

Through the Office of Trade, CBP raises awareness of U.S. trade programs among stakeholders, and provides subject matter expertise to new and ongoing trade negotiations. The Office of Trade supports businesses and trading partners in promoting trade compliance and enforcement. CBP also reviews trade compliance activities such as fraudulent trade practices, transshipments, false importers claims, undervaluation, and undercounting of goods. Additionally, CBP assesses areas of potential non-compliance and high-risk industries to ensure that only goods that comply with FTAs and PTLs rules of origin requirements claim preferential duty benefits, and that the appropriate duties are paid on imported goods that are not entitled to such preferential treatment. When dealing with fraudulent trade practice such as commercial fraud and deceptive business practices, CBP collaborates closely with the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), Commercial Fraud Programs Unit.

The Trade Agreements Priority­­ Trade Issue has oversight over most commodities receiving preferential trade treatment. The textile and apparel provision within an agreement is managed through the Textiles Priority Trade Issue. To learn more about the va

Trade Programs

Free Trade Agreements

Preferential Trade Legislation

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Last Modified: Nov 27, 2024