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CBP Form 7501: Entry Summary

Custom and Border Protection relies upon CBP Form 7501 "Entry Summary" to determine relevant information (e.g., appraisement, classification, origin, etc.) regarding the imported commodity.

CBP Form 7501 - Entry Summary with Continuation Sheets. Includes detailed instructions on completing CBP Form 7501.

 ACE Entry Summary Instructions. Provides guidance to ACE end users on what entry summary information to provide in ACE.

Form 7501A - Document/Payment Transmittal. This form is used to reconcile a supplemental payment after an initial Automated Clearinghouse payment. 

3550-055 Instructions for Deriving Manufacturer/Shipper Identification Code: Instructions on calculating the manufacturer identification number. See also 19 CFR at Part 102 and CBP Form 7501 Instructions.

Last Modified: Jun 14, 2021