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Craft Beverage Modernization Provisions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017


The information on this page is for guidance purposes only and is not the official position of CBP nor is it binding on CBP.

CBMA allows for reduced rates or credits on 92 tariff numbers under Chapter 22 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule.  CBP CBMA claim processing is tentatively scheduled to begin in May 2019 with the issuance of a CBMA report from the Office of Trade (OT) of the entry summaries requiring  review and liquidation; and each month, thereafter, the Centers will continue to receive monthly CBMA reports for review and liquidation of CBMA claims.

CSMS Message Message Date Content

CSMS #54427266 - 2023 Craft Beverage Modernization Act (CBMA) Procedures and Requirements


This message provides guidance on the procedures and requirements of CBMA for calendar year 2023 and thereafter

CSMS #46807598 - Procedures: CBMA Claim submission in ACE through ABI  


Provides procedures and requirements - 2022               

CSMS # 50484790 - Craft Beverage  Modernization Act (CBMA) - 2022  Procedures and Requirements


Provides guidance to the trade community on the submission of CBMA claims in the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) through Automated Broker Interface (ABI) CBMA enhancements.

CSMS #46748367 Reminder: ACE CBMA Functionality Deployment April 6, 2021


To remind the trade community that on April 6, 2021 U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) will deploy functionality to ACE for the submission of more robust CBMA data through the ABI

CSMS #46628395 Information on the Deployment of CBMA Enhancement in ACE


Information, on April 6, 2021, U.S. Customs and Border Protection will deploy the CBMA enhancement to the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE)

CSMS #46490547 - Update: CBMA Chapter 22 HTS Computation Codes update


Updated Chapter 22 HTS codes

CSMS # 46202109 Updates to CBMA tax rate tables


Updates to CBMA tax rate tables available on

CSMS # 46202355 Updates to CBMA tax rate tables


Updates to CBMA tax rate tables available on

CSMS #46159765 Information on CBMA Pre-Deployment Support Call


Information on CBMA Deployment, enhancement to the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE)

 CSMS #45777694 Update to the CATAIR


Updates to the CATAIR for the CBMA ACE enhancement

CSMS #45315560 - CBMA Procedures and Requirements 2021 


Provides the procedures and requirements, with regard to importations made during the 2021 calendar year and claimed to be subject to CBMA.

CSMS #44878375 - UPDATE: Programming update for certain CBMA HTS codes:


The minimum excise tax rates for the 2204.10.0030,02204.10.0065, 2204.10.0075 HTS codes

CSMS #44878076 - Reminder: Transmitting the proper IRT rate to CBP


Reminding the trade community to file entries with the correct IRT 

CSMS #41471157 - Craft Beverage Modernization Act (CBMA) Procedures and Requirements 2020


Craft Beverage Modernization Act (CBMA) - Procedures and Requirements 2020 due to legislation extension

CSMS #41089761 - Craft Beverage Modernization Act (CBMA) - Legislation Extension 2020


Craft Beverage Modernization Act (CBMA) - Legislation Extension 2020 

CSMS #40103946 -  Craft Beverage Modernization Act (CBMA) Indicator/Claim Code  - (C) Certification


For CBMA Indicator/Product Claim Code – C Certification

CSMS #19-000181 – Trade Webinar- 2019 Procedures and Requirements for CBMA


Instructions to join webinar.

CSMS #19-000172 – 2019 Procedures and Requirements: Implementing CBMA


Updates and Clarifications to CBMA Filing Procedures and Requirements for 2019 Claims; CBMA Template restrictions.

CSMS #19-000148 – DIS File Name and Document Label guidance for CBMA


Updated procedures for DIS files names and document labels for Assignment Certifications, CBMA Controlled Group Spreadsheets and CBMA Spreadsheets.

CSMS #19-000135 - Document Image System (DIS) File Name and Document Label Guidance for CBMA


Provides to Trade with the correct DIS file names and document labels for the Assignment Certification, CBMA Controlled Group Spreadsheet and the CBMA Spreadsheet.

CSMS# 19-000053 - Updates and Clarifications to CBMA Filing Procedures and Requirements


Updates and Clarifications to CBMA Filing Procedures and Requirements for 2018 and 2019 Claims, DIS submissions, CBMA Spreadsheets, CBMA Controlled Group Spreadsheets and CBMA Assignment Certifications.

CSMS# 18-000708 - Procedures and Requirements: Implementation of the 14-16% Still Wine Tax Pursuant to CBMA


Procedures and requirements with regard to CBMA’s temporary changes to the tax rate on still wines having over 14%, but not more than 16%, alcohol by volume imported after December 31, 2017, and before January 1, 2020, pursuant to 26 U.S.C. 5041(b)(1), as well as certain “low alcohol by volume wine” and “mead” that are temporarily eligible for the same tax rate under 26 U.S.C. 5041(h).

CSMS# 18-000609 - Procedures & Requirements: Implementing Craft Beverage Modernization & Tax Reform of 2017


Revision of CBMA guidance; Addresses the foreign assignment aspect of CBMA for 2018 entries; Instructions for DIS, CBMA flag and filing Protests.

CSMS# 18-000587 - Advance Procedures and Requirements: Implementing the Craft Beverage Modernization Act


Advance Procedures and Requirements:  Implementing the Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform Act of 2017; Addresses entries filed since January 2018 with CBMA claims.

CSMS #18-000511 - Craft Beverage Modernization Act (CBMA) Entry Summary Flag and CATAIR Publication


Additional guidance and Deployment in the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) for an entry summary line level flag. Encouraged importers to use the CBMA entry summary line level flag (CBMA flag) to identify imported alcohol for which the importer had received a CBMA assignment from a foreign producer/assigning entity.

CSMS #18-000403 - Implementing the Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform Act of 2017


Issuance of initial guidance on CBMA implementation; Continue to pay the full excise tax rate at time of entry summary filing; CBP suggests importers file protests on liquidated entries for which reduced tax rate or credit may be due; Post Summary Corrections (PSCs) not to be utilized to request refunds until 19CFR 24.36 has been updated.

CSMS #18-000103 - Message To Alcohol Importers From CBP and TTB Under the Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax


CBMA procedures to be established; Importers of beer, wine and distilled spirits seeking to qualify for CBMA benefits should continue to pay the full excise tax rates.

Last Modified: Sep 27, 2024