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  4. Withhold Release Orders and Findings Dashboard

Withhold Release Orders and Findings Dashboard

This page contains Withhold Release Orders issued by the Commissioner and Findings published in the Federal Register. CBP does not generally publicize specific detentions, re-exportations, exclusions, or seizures of the subject merchandise that may have resulted from the Withhold Release Orders or Findings.

WRO Findings Map

Withhold Release Orders




Forced Labor Enforcement Actions. WROs & Findings by Year 1991-2022. Since the creation of the Forced Labor Division in 2018 within CBP’s Office of Trade, Withhold Release Orders (WROs) and Findings have increased from previous years. The number of WROs issued and Findings published fluctuate from year to year based on a variety of factors, including complexity and scope of allegations.   U.S. Customs and Border Protection.  1991 7 China WRO. 1992 13 China WRO 4 China Findings. 1993 4 China WRO 1 China Fin
Since the creation of the Forced Labor Division in 2018 within CBP’s Office of Trade, Withhold Release Orders (WROs) and Findings have increased from previous years. The number of WROs issued and Findings published fluctuate from year to year based on a variety of factors, including complexity and scope of allegations.
Last Modified: Mar 18, 2025