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  4. Kimberley Diamonds
  5. Rough Diamond Exportation Procedures

Rough Diamond Exportation Procedures

All rough diamond shipments exported under the subheading 7102.10, 7102.21 and 7102.31 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States must be filed in the Automated Export System (AES) along with a Kimberley Process Certificate.

The internally enforced, Kimberley Process Certification Scheme  (KPCS) was implemented in 2002 to prevent the illegal trade of rough diamonds from used to finance armed conflict against sovereign governments and associated human right abuses.  The KPCS encompasses countries involved in the production, trade, or manufacturing or rough diamonds. The KPCS was established to control the movement of rough diamonds in order to prevent conflict diamonds from entering the legitimate trade channels.

In order to file a rough diamond shipment into the Automated Export System, the KPC number document number is required to file with the Electronic Export Information (EEI) submission.  The KPC number is the number that is on the Kimberley Process Certificate, which starts with a US, and five numerical number behind it.  The country of origin is also listed under is on the Kimberley Process Certificate.

In accordance of Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC) regulations 31 CFR 592.301, the requirement for importing and exporting in compliance with Kimberley Process Certificate Scheme (KPCS) are as follow:

  • The original KP Certificate must accompany all export of rough diamond
  • All KP Certificate must have an Internal Transaction Number (ITN), which is generated from the AES after the Electronic Export Information (EEI) has been generated (Export Only)
  • Export of rough diamond must be in a seal tamper-resistant container.
  •  Rough diamonds may be only exported to countries that are participants in the Kimberley Process Scheme.

Question concerning this should be directed to the:
Office of Field Operations
Outbound Enforcement and Policy Division (OE&P)
Cynthia Oliver, Program Manager
(202) 344-3277 or

Last Modified: Mar 08, 2018