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How to Apply

NEXUS is designed to expedite the border clearance process for low-risk, approved travelers into Canada and the United States. By paying one fee, NEXUS members have crossing privileges at air, land, and marine ports of entry that support the program.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) are cooperating in this joint venture to simplify border crossings for members, while enhancing security.

To apply for membership in the NEXUS program:

  • Use the Trusted Travelers Programs (TTP) website;
  • Submit an application and go through a registration process;
  • Satisfy the eligibility criteria;
  • Be admissible in Canada and the United States; and
  • Pass risk assessments by both countries.

The application-processing fee of $120 (USD) per adult applicant is non-refundable. Children under the age of 18 must also apply and, if eligible, are admitted to the program free of charge.  Once approved, membership is valid for five years. For more information regarding the program requirements, please visit the NEXUS Program page.

Once the risk assessment by the United States and Canada is complete, you will receive an email on the dashboard of your TTP account.  When this notification is received, you will be “conditionally approved” and eligible to schedule an interview at a NEXUS enrollment center to complete the application process. 

Reasonable Modifications for Applicants with a Disability

After you have submitted your application and scheduled an interview at a NEXUS Enrollment Center, if you require assistance for the interview because of a disability, contact the NEXUS Enrollment Center where your interview is scheduled to request a reasonable modification or auxiliary aid or service to complete the interview.  Requests for a modification, aid, or service should be made as soon as possible and prior to the date of an interview to allow sufficient time for making the appropriate arrangements at the interview location.

Last Modified: Sep 27, 2024