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  5. U.S. Border Patrol Claims of Credible Fear Apprehensions by Sector

U.S. Border Patrol Claims of Credible Fear Apprehensions by Sector

Southwest Border Claims of Credible Fear Apprehensions by Sector  (FY2017 - FY2018)

Southwest Border by Sector
Sector FY17 FY18 % Change
FY17 to FY18
Big Bend 398 328 -18%
Del Rio 2,355 3,087 31%
El Centro 2,690 4,398 63%
El Paso 1,115 3,634 226%
Laredo 952 1,341 41%
Rio Grande 25,156 32,521 29%
San Diego 2,989 5,307 78%
Tucson 2,145 2,880 34%
Yuma 500 1,194 139%
Southwest Border Total 38,300 54,690 43%


View the Claims of Fear webpage.

Last Modified: Nov 02, 2023

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