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U.S. Border Patrol Southwest Border Apprehensions by Sector FY2018

Southwest Border Unaccompanied Alien Children (0-17 yr old) Apprehensions

Comparisons below reflect Fiscal Year 2018 compared to Fiscal Year 2017.

Unaccompanied Alien Children by Sector

Sector FY2017 FY2018 % Change
FY17 to FY18
Big Bend 811 989 22%
Del Rio 1,349 1,297 -4%
El Centro 1,531 2,715 77%
El Paso 3,926 5,461 39%
Laredo 2,033 2,879 42%
Rio Grande 23,708 23,757 0%
San Diego 1,551 2,491 61%
Tucson 3,659 5,023 37%
Yuma 2,867 5,424 89%
USBP Southwest Border Total 41,435 50,036 21%

Southwest Border Family Unit* Apprehensions

Comparisons below reflect Fiscal Year 2018 compared to Fiscal Year 2017.

Family Unit* Apprehensions by Sector

Sector FY2017 FY2018 % Change
FY17 to FY18

Big Bend

941 741 -21%

Del Rio

2,453 2,829 15%

El Centro

1,798 3,539 97%

El Paso

8,609 12,312 43%


865 597 -31%

Rio Grande

49,896 63,278 27%

San Diego

2,944 4.408 50%


2,042 4,954 143%


6,074 14,554 140%
USBP Southwest Border Total 75,622 107,212 42%

Unaccompanied Alien Children Apprehensions by Country

Numbers below reflect Fiscal Years 2013 - 2018

Country FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018
El Salvador 5,990 16,404 9,389 17,512 9,143 4,949
Guatemala 8,068 17,057 13,589 18,913 14,827 22,327
Honduras 6,747 18,244 5,409 10,468 7,784 10,913
Mexico 17,240 15,634 11,012 11,926 8,877 10,136

Family Unit* Apprehensions by Country

Numbers below reflect Fiscal Years 2013 - 2018

Country FY2016 FY2017 FY2018
El Salvador 27,114 24,122 13,669
Guatemala 23,067 24,657 50,401
Honduras 20,226 22,366 39,439
Mexico 3,481 2,271 2,261

*Note: (Family Unit represents the number of individuals (either a child under 18 years old, parent or legal guardian) apprehended with a family member by the U.S. Border Patrol.)

Southwest Family Unit Subject and Unaccompanied Alien Children Apprehensions Fiscal Year 2018 - By Month

Last Modified: Nov 02, 2023