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  5. ACE Portal Modernization - Phase 2

ACE Portal Modernization - Phase 2

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has deployed Phase 2 of the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) Portal Modernization.

Remaining functionalities will continue to transition as available. Parallel access to those same functionalities in the legacy ACE Portal remains for an interim period, giving users sufficient time to adjust to accessing the functionality in the modernized platform.

What Phase 2 changes are available in the modernized ACE Portal?

  • On October 25, 2022, CBP deployed the following:
    • Link to Gold Rate: Trade users have access to the Kitco Gold Rate from the References tab.
    • Link to Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS): Trade and partner government agency (PGA) users have access to the U.S International Trade Commission (ITC) HTS database from the References tab.
    • Link to ACE Quota: PGA users have access to the ACE Quota application from the References tab.
    • ACE Protest Launch Button: Trade users who have a Protest Filer account have access to the ACE Protest application directly from the Protest Filer account view.
  • On November 8, 2022, CBP deployed the following:
    • Centers for Excellence and Expertise (CEE) Directory: Trade and PGA users have access to CBP’s CEE directory from the References tab.
  • January 9, 2023: References Tab Link to ACE Entry Summary User Interface (UI) for Partner Government Agency (PGA) Users
  • January 10, 2023: Migration of Functionality to Arrive, Export, and Divert In-Bonds for Trade Users
    • Through a launch button in their account view, trade users with a Carrier account can access UI for arriving, exporting, diverting, and canceling arrival and export of in-bonds. The UI and the launch button titled “Manifest Trade In-bond UI” host the in-bond functionality migrated from legacy ACE Portal.
    • The Manifest Tools functionality available in Carrier accounts in the legacy ACE Portal retired on March 4, 2023.
  • February 21, 2023: References Tab Link to Anti-dumping and Countervailing Duties (AD/CVD) Application for Trade and PGA Users

What additional resources are available?

Note on Internet Browser: If trade users are using Internet Explorer, access to modernized ACE Portal functionality may be limited. Alternatively, Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome enable access to all features.

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Last Modified: Nov 22, 2023