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  5. ACE Portal Modernization - Phase 4

ACE Portal Modernization - Phase 4

Note: Internet browser bookmarks should be updated to reflect the modernized portal URL:

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) began gradually deploying Phase 4 of the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) Portal Modernization in June 2023. Phase 4 changes continued the migration of functionality from the legacy ACE Portal to the modernized platform. This deployment was completed in September 2023.

What will Trade and Partner Government Agency users see in the modernized ACE Portal?

The functionalities listed below will be migrated to the modernized ACE Portal platform on a rolling basis through September, and CBP will alert users as individual capabilities are migrated.

Typically, functionality migrated to the modernized ACE Portal will remain available in parallel in the legacy ACE portal for a period of time. However, when the functionalities designated with an asterisk (*) become accessible via the modernized ACE Portal, access to the same functionality via the legacy ACE Portal will be removed. After migration, access to these functionalities will only be available in the modernized ACE Portal. CBP will alert users in advance of the migration of these functionalities.

Create and Edit Account Data

Account create and edit functionality allows users to make changes in the details, contacts, or address tabs in the account view of the account types designated below. Note, edit functionality for most trade user account types, including Exporter, Importer, Protest Filer, and Vessel Agent, was released in Phase 3, as was PGA edit functionality for the Exporter account type.

Account Type Trade PGA
Facility* Edit -
Exporter Create -
Importer Create -
Protest Filer Create -
Vessel Agent Create -
FTZ* - Create, Edit
FTZ Subzone* - Create, Edit
FTZ Subzone Site* - Create, Edit
FTZ Grantee* - Create, Edit

Create and Edit Account Supporting Data

Supporting data create and edit functionality allows users to add or edit information for all account tabs (excluding Details, Contacts, and Addresses) for the account types designated below.

Supporting Data for Account Type Trade PGA
Facility* Create, Edit -
Org Broker Create, Edit -
Surety Create, Edit -
Carrier Create, Edit -
Importer* Create, Edit -
FTZ* - Create, Edit
FTZ Subzone* - Create, Edit
FTZ Subzone Site* - Create, Edit
FTZ Grantee* - Create, Edit

What additional resources are available?


Deployment Support Calls

Information on future deployment support calls will be provided in advance of upcoming deployments.

For questions about the ACE Portal Modernization, contact

For technical issues, contact the CBP ACE Account Service Desk (ASD) at (866) 530-4172 or

Note on Internet Browser: If trade users are using Internet Explorer, access to modernized ACE Portal functionality may be limited. Alternatively, Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome enable access to all features


Last Modified: Dec 07, 2023

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