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ACE Deployment G2 Information Notice

On September 16, 2017, as part of Deployment G, Release 2, CBP will deploy the following capabilities in The Automated Commercial Environment (ACE): Non-ABI Entry Summary/Lineless (for CBP only), Duty Deferral, and Importer Security Filing (ISF). With this deployment, these capabilities will no longer be filed/processed in the Automated Commercial System (ACS) and must be done via ACE.

Due to disruptions to trade and negative impact on the flow of cargo presented by Hurricane Harvey and the following hurricanes, CBP has decided to reschedule the deployment of electronic Foreign Trade Zone (e214) and Manufacturer ID (MID) creation capabilities. Deployment of these capabilities will move from September 16, 2017 to our next scheduled deployment on December 9, 2017.

Duty Deferral

On September 16, 2017, CBP will deploy Duty Deferral capabilities in ACE at which time Duty Deferral entries will no longer be filed/processed in ACS and must be done via ACE. Data will be migrated from ACS to ACE, so even if the Duty Deferral process began in ACS, Duty Deferral information submitted on/or after September 16 must be filed in ACE. Trade users will not need to re-enter Duty Deferral information in ACE that was transmitted to ACS.

The majority of Duty Deferral processing will remain the same in ACE as it has been in ACS.

What will change with Duty Deferral in ACE?

There are only minor changes to Duty Deferral processing in ACE.

  • As necessary, the trade may request that CBP reject the entry summary for corrections, as the Post Summary Correction capability is not an option for entry type 08.

Are there any Duty Deferral resources available?

Importer Security Filing (ISF)

Beginning September 16, 2017, trade filers will begin submitting Automated Broker Interface (ABI) ISF transactions in ACE, at which time no further ISF submissions will be done in ACS. Filers should ensure their software is up to date and able to transmit to CBP. The ACE Portal will remain available for ISF submissions from small volume filers (less than 12 a year), and for ocean manifest filers through existing manifest technical standards.

There are minor software coding changes required for ISF ABI transmissions, and vendors or self-filers should be aware of the revised transmissions standards. The following Customs and Trade Automated Interface Requirements (CATAIR) chapters may be referenced:

ISF Cutover

Beginning at 11:00 pm ET on Saturday September 16 all messaging should adhere to ACE formatting.  CBP will stop accepting ACS formatted messages.  The system will queue transmissions until the maintenance window concludes, at which time the queued transactions will begin processing in ACE. 


ACE Reports will be enhanced to support the transition of Automated Commercial System (ACS) core trade processing capabilities to the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE). Three weeks following Release 2 of Deployment G on September 16, 2017, new ACE Report features will become available on October 7, 2017. For full details, please reference our ACE Reports Information Notice.

Deployment Support

For questions related to any of the capabilities above contact your Client Representative or the ACE Account Service Desk at or

Last Modified: Jun 04, 2024

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