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ACE Deployment G3 Information Notice

To allow additional time for ACE statement testing, CBP is splitting ACE Deployment G, Release 3, into two separate components - 3A and 3B.

Deployment G, Release 3A (December 9, 2017)

On December 9, 2017, CBP will deliver ACE Deployment G, Release 3A. This deployment will include:

  • e214 (electronic Foreign Trade Zone admission)
  • Manufacturer ID (MID) Creation
  • Availability in ACE Production environment of the new ACE Statement Reports REV-101, REV-102, REV-103 and REV-104 for testing.

Deployment G, Release 3B (January 6, 2018)

On January 6, 2018, CBP will deliver ACE Deployment G, Release 3B. At this point, ACE will become the system of record for all statements with the exception of Reconciliation statements. CBP will deliver Statements for Reconciliations as part of ACE Deployment G, Release 4 on February 24, 2018. The Reconciliation Statements Deployment plan may be found in the Reconciliations Information Notice.

No later than January 13, 2018, CBP will deploy ACE Statement reports with ACE statement data. The legacy ACE Account Revenue reports universe will no longer be available.

ACE Deployment G Reports Information Notice -

Deployment Support Call

CBP's Trade Transformation Office (TTO) will host a daily call from January 8 to January 12, 2018 2:00 PM ET to 3:00 PM ET to answer questions related to the January 6th Deployment.

  • Line 1: (877) 336-1828 / PC: 6124214



Deployment G, Release 3A (December 9, 2017)

The new ACE Statement Reports REV-101, REV-102, REV-103 and REV-104 will be available in the ACE Production environment for Importers and Brokers.

For validation purposes, both the new ACE Statement reports and the legacy ACE Account Revenue reports will be available to importers and brokers in the ACE Reports production environment on December 9, 2017. From December 9, 2017 until January 6, 2018, the new ACE Statement reports will solely be for trade validation/testing and therefore not actionable. Please refer to the Reports Statements Comparison Instructions for more information.

Importers and brokers, if you experience issues accessing the testing reports, please contact to ensure you have appropriate access. After you've reviewed, please contact if you find any issues/discrepancies between the legacy and new reports.

The Automated Commercial System (ACS) will remain the system of record for all statements until Deployment G, Release 3B; the trade community will continue to file statements in ACS until January 6, 2018*.

Deployment G, Release 3B (January 6, 2018)

On January 6, 2018, CBP will deliver ACE Deployment G, Release 3B. At this point, ACE will become the system of record for all statements with the exception of Reconciliation statements. CBP will deliver Statements for Reconciliations as part of ACE Deployment G, Release 4 on February 24, 2018. The Reconciliation Statements Deployment plan may be found in the Reconciliations Information Notice.

CBP will deliver Statements for all other entries on January 6, 2018.

No later than January 13, 2018, CBP will deploy ACE Statement reports with ACE statement data. The legacy ACE Account Revenue reports universe will no longer be available.

Statements Cutover Plan

  • All deployed Statements functionality will begin processing in ACE post data conversion completion, on Monday, January 8, 2018, with the exception of Reconciliation, scheduled to deploy February 2018. The Reconciliation Statements Deployment plan may be found in the Reconciliations Information Notice.
  • There will be an outage period for payments and statements beginning Friday, January 5, 2018, after 11:59 pm EST and ending Sunday, January 7, 2018.
  • Effective Saturday, January 6, 2018, statement updates are required to be submitted via SU instead of HP with the exception of Reconciliation.
  • CBP will hold all SU transactions for ACE and HP for ACS in a queue and update ACE on Sunday, January 7, 2018.
  • If a Preliminary Daily Statement is issued by ACS but the Final Daily is not generated by Monday, January 8, 2018, then the Final Daily will be generated out of ACE.
  • If a QN/PN is done on Friday, January 5, 2018, a Final Statement will be generated from ACS on Sunday, January 7, 2018, and available for the Trade on Monday, January 8, 2018.
  • All ACS Statements will be converted into ACE, maintaining the ACS Statement number. *Exception, Reconciliation Statements will remain in ACS until the February deployment.
  • Reconciliation entry summaries will be combined with other entry types on the same Statement in Deployment G, Release 4 (February 24, 2018).
  • CBP will maintain the ACS Statement reroute functionality for a limited timeframe.
  • CBP will provide ONE statement, derived from ACE. This will include those in ACE and those converted from ACS to ACE.
  • CBP will convert all daily statements from ACS to ACE.
  • ACS Collections will not be deployed as part of the Deployment G, Release 3A (December 9, 2017), Release 3B (January 6, 2018) or Deployment G, Release 4 (February 24, 2018). The date for the collections deployment in ACE is TBD.
APP ID Schedule for Statements
HP/HT – Update Statement QO/QQ – Statement Reroute Turn off Friday, January 5, 2018, 11:59PM EST
PN only– PMS Payment Authorization Turn off Friday, January 5, 2018, 11:59PM EST
QN/QS – Daily Payment Authorization Turn off Friday, January 5, 2018, 11:59PM EST
SU/SQ – Update Statement Turn on Sunday, January 7, 2018, **(See note below )
HP/HT – Update Statement QO/QQ – Statement Reroute Turn back on Sunday, January 7, 2018, **(See note below )
QR – Daily Statement Turn off Sunday, January 7, 2018, early morning
QR – Daily Statement Turn back on Monday, January 8, 2018, 1:00 AM EST
PF – Daily Statement Turn on Monday, January 8, 2018, 1:00 AM EST
(Legacy) MS – Monthly Statement Turn off Monday, January 8, 2018, 1:00 AM EST
(New ACE) MS – Monthly Statement Turn on Monday, January 8, 2018, 1:00 AM EST
(Legacy) MO – Statement Reroute Turn Off Saturday, January 6, 2018, early morning
PN only– PMS Payment Authorization Turn back on Monday, January 8, 2018, 1:00 AM EST
QN/QS – Daily Payment Authorization Turn back on Monday, January 8, 2018, 1:00 AM EST
(New ACE) MO – Statement Reroute Turn on Monday, January 8, 2018, 1:00 AM EST

**If the trade wants to make changes to the statement, they will use SU instead of HP as of Friday, January 5, 2018, 11:59pm EST. Exception, Reconciliation Statements will continue to require an HP for updates. The Reconciliation Statements Deployment plan may be found in the Reconciliations Information Notice.

Also, on Sunday, January 7, 2018 SU and HP responses could start as early as 10:30 AM EST

(QO/QQ Trade will continue to use ACS for payment authorization and Reconciliation Statements reroute)

APP ID Chart for Statements
Group Input App ID Output App ID Description
Statements -- MS Periodic Monthly Statement Already in ACE - slight CATAIR changes for deployment in January
Statements -- PF ACE Daily Statement (Scheduled to deploy to ACE in January)
Statements SU SQ ACE Statement Change/Del Trans (Scheduled to deploy to ACE in January)
Statements MO MQ ACE Statement Reroute (Scheduled to deploy to ACE in January - only for statement reroute)
Statements RM PZ ACE ACH Authorization (Daily and Monthly) (Not scheduled to deploy in January; Trade will continue to use QN/PN)

Resources – CATAIR Documentation


Electronic 214 (e214) – Deployment G, Release 3A (December 9, 2017)

Electronic filing of e214 transactions will be mandatory in ACE on December 9, 2017.

The following are the high-level changes the e214 Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) application capabilities in ACE.

What will stay the same with e214 in ACE?

  • If a bill is split, the filer can only file one split part per admission.

What will change with e214 in ACE?

  • December 9, 2017, CBP processing of e214s will take place in ACE and will no longer be supported in the legacy system.
  • DIS Form Hyperlink: There will now be a hyperlink in the FTZ interface that allows users to go directly to the DIS form for review. Please note: Any action taken by the field in either DIS or FTZ will not write over to the other application.

What additional resources are available?

  • The cutover timeline for the migration of data and submission to ACE is as follows:
    • Input to CBP in old ACS format must stop at 6:00 PM EST on December 8, 2017.
    • Up until 7:30 PM EST on December 8, 2017, expect to receive response messages from CBP in old ACS format.
    • Input to CBP in new ACE format is allowed to begin at 7:00 PM EST on December 8, 2017.
    • If you submit messages in the new ACE format during the deployment window, you may get responses from CBP as the system is verified. However, the new ACE FTZ system will begin full-fledged processing at 4:00 AM EST on December 10, 2017, once ACE comes out of the maintenance window.
  • More information about e214s can be found in the ACE FTZ CATAIR.

Who do I contact if I have issues?

For questions related to e214s in ACE, contact your Client Representative or the ACE Account Service Desk at 1-866-530-4172 or


Manufacturer ID (MID) – Deployment G, Release 3A (December 9, 2017):

The following explains high-level changes for the Trade with respect to ACE processing of MIDs. Filers should ensure their software vendors have updated programs to support Manufacturer Name and Address submissions in ACE.

What will stay the same in ACE for MID processing?

The trade community currently has the ability to query MIDs in ACE. Trade users are not able to update MID records in ACE.

What will change in ACE for MID processing?

Beginning December 9, 2017, CBP processing of MIDs will take place in ACE and will no longer be supported in ACS.

Modifications or updates to existing MIDs must be undertaken by CBP. To request a change please reach out to your local port, a Client Representative, or

What additional resources are available?

The cutover timeline for the migration of data and submission to ACE is as follows:

  • Input to CBP in old ACS format must stop at 6:00 PM EST on December 8, 2017.
  • Input to CBP in new ACE format is allowed to begin at 7:00 PM EST on December 8, 2017.

More information about the process of adding Manufacturer Name and Address can be found on the ACE MID CATAIR.


Last Modified: May 18, 2023