U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s (CBP) Trade Violations Reporting tool allows the trade community and general public to submit e-Allegations to report unlawful trade practices that not only threaten individual businesses but also harm the broader U.S. economy. By using the information submitted in this tool, CBP can address unfair trade, safeguard U.S. industries and guard against the entry of products that could pose a threat to health and safety.
The data in the charts below are based on the most recent statistics available regarding the number and type of e-Allegations CBP has received through this online reporting tool. The statistics highlight the continued support we have received from our valued partners over the past four years.
For more information about the e-Allegations program, visit CBP's e-Allegations webpage.
Note: The below charts are fully interactive. Clicking on chart elements will result in data filtering and produce metrics based on user selections.