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There are no citizenship or age requirements for Secure Electronic Network for Travelers Rapid Inspection (SENTRI) membership. However, if you are under the age of 18, you must have your parent or legal guardian's consent to participate in the program.

Reasons for Ineligibility

You may not be eligible for participation in the SENTRI program if you:

  • Provide false or incomplete information on the application;
  • Have been convicted of any criminal offense or have pending criminal charges or outstanding warrants (to include driving under the influence);
  • Have been found in violation of any customs, immigration or agriculture regulations or laws in any country;
  • Are the subject of an ongoing investigation by any federal, state or local law enforcement agency;
  • Have been denied for the purchase of a firearm;
  • Have received a criminal pardon from any country;
  • Are inadmissible to the United States under immigration regulation, including applicants with approved waivers of inadmissibility or parole documentation; or
  • Cannot satisfy CBP of your low risk status.
Last Modified: Mar 07, 2022